Creating an internal CA and signed server certificates for OpenDJ using cfssl, keytool and openssl
Yes, that title is quite a mouthful, and mostly intended to get the Google juice if I need to find this entry again. I spent a couple of hours figuring out the magical incantations, so thought I would document this here. The problem: You want OpenDJ to use something other than the default self-signed certificate for SSL connections. A "real" certificate signed by a CA (Certificate Authority) is expensive and a pain to procure and install. The next best alternative is to create your own "internal" CA, and have that CA sign certificates for your services. In most cases, this is going to work fine for *internal* services that do not need to be trusted by a browser. You might ask why is this better than just using self-signed certificates? The idea is that you can import your CA certificate once into the truststore for your various clients, and thereafter those clients will trust any certificate presented that is signed by your CA. For example, assu...