Kubernetes: Why won't that deployment roll?

Kubernetes Deployments provide a declarative way of managing replica sets and pods. A deployment specifies how many pods to run as part of a replica set, where to place pods, how to scale them and how to manage their availability. Deployments are also used to perform rolling updates to a service. They can support a number of different update strategies such as blue/green and canary deployments. The examples provided in the Kubernetes documentation explain how to trigger a rolling update by changing a docker image. For example, suppose you edit the Docker image tag by using the kubectl edit deployment/my-app command, changing the image tag from acme/my-app:v0.2.3 to acme/my-app:v0.3.0 . When Kubernetes sees that the image tag has changed, a rolling update is triggered according to the declared strategy. This results in the pods with the 0.2.3 image being taken down and replaced with pods running the 0.3.0 image. This is done in a rolling ...