Hot Take: Dart makes a Great Server Side Language
Google promotes Dart as a client-optimized language for fast apps on any platform . This makes a ton of sense. Bootstrapping a language ecosystem is an enormous task that requires laser like focus on where the language adds the most value. Right now, that is Flutter . Sometimes, when a language finds success in one domain it can cross over to another. One can argue that NodeJS would never be a thing had Javascript not been adopted in the browser. Can Dart cross over to the server? I think it can. Recently I created a Cloud Run service to perform smoke tests against another REST service. Golang would be the obvious choice here: Container friendly, small native binaries and a great http library out of the box. Now Go is a fine language, and this is a purely subjective thing, but I find Dart much more enjoyable and productive to work with. There are of course fewer server side libraries, but the ecosystem is growing ...