
Showing posts from December, 2020

Introducing ds-operator, the ForgeRock Directory Services Operator for Kubernetes

ForgeRock Directory Services 7.0 was a big achievement for the Grenoble Directory team.  It is the only "Kubernetes native" directory where you can add a new replica using kubectl: kubectl scale sts/ds-idrepo --replicas=3 The 7.0 deployment is assembled using standard Kubernetes primitives such as StatefulSets , Persistent Volume Claims, and Services.  This is all built and orchestrated using Skaffold and Kustomize .  An emerging pattern in the Kubernetes world is the use of Custom Resources and Operators .  Broadly speaking, a custom resource is the declaration of the desired system state, and the operator's job is to observe the current state and bring the system into alignment with the declared state: source: The Kubernetes API server (the thing that responds to your kubectl commands) can be extended to handle new custom types.  A custom resource definition (CRD) describes to the API se...