Introducing ds-operator, the ForgeRock Directory Services Operator for Kubernetes
kubectl scale sts/ds-idrepo --replicas=3
The 7.0 deployment is assembled using standard Kubernetes primitives such as StatefulSets, Persistent Volume Claims, and Services. This is all built and orchestrated using Skaffold and Kustomize.
An emerging pattern in the Kubernetes world is the use of Custom Resources and Operators. Broadly speaking, a custom resource is the declaration of the desired system state, and the operator's job is to observe the current state and bring the system into alignment with the declared state:
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The Kubernetes API server (the thing that responds to your kubectl commands) can be extended to handle new custom types. A custom resource definition (CRD) describes to the API server the syntax and schema for the new custom type. A custom resource (CR) is an instance of a custom type. There is one CRD for a type, but many possible CR definitions.
By creating a CRD, you make it possible to describe your system to Kubernetes at a higher level than is possible using the underlying primitives. At the end of the day, users want to focus on running a Directory Service, not StatefulSets or Pods.
Introducing the ds-operator
The ds-operator is a Kubernetes operator that deploys a ForgeRock Directory Service described by a Custom Resource. The operator enables us to focus on the higher level details of the directory service, and takes care of housekeeping details such as backup and restore.
Here is a simple example:
# ds.yaml
# Sample DirectoryService deployment
kind: DirectoryService
name: ds-idrepo
labels: ds forgerock
replicas: 2
memory: 900Mi
cpu: 250m
memory: 1024Mi
storage: 5Gi
Because the API server is aware of our custom type, we can query the server for status:
kubectl describe directoryservice
Or even change the number of directory replicas.
kubectl scale directoryservice/ds-idrepo --replicas=3
If you try this out you will see that the operator creates the underlying Kubernetes StatefulSets, Services, and so on. What then is the benefit of the operator besides a more compact definition of the directory service?
The key difference is that an operator can be extended with special knowledge of the underlying system. A Kubernetes StatefulSet knows nothing about the LDAP protocol, or the replication state of the directory, but the operator does. For example, the operator can connect to the directory using LDAP or HTTP, and query the status of cn=monitor.
The ds-operator currently implements two new features that take advantage of direct LDAP protocol support.
The first is to synchronize Kubernetes secrets to directory service accounts. This can include the uid=admin root user, or the service account that ForgeRock Access Manager uses to connect to the CTS directory. Here is a snippet from the directory spec:
passwords: uid=admin: secretName: ds-passwords key: uid=monitor: secretName: ds-passwords key: secretName: ds-env-secrets key: AM_STORES_CTS_PASSWORD uid=am-identity-bind-account,ou=admins,ou=identities: secretName: ds-env-secrets key: AM_STORES_USER_PASSWORD uid=am-config,ou=admins,ou=am-config: secretName: ds-env-secrets key: AM_STORES_APPLICATION_PASSWORD
backup: enabled: true # Path starts with s3://, gs:// , az:// or a path to the filesystem #path: /var/tmp/backup path: gs://ds-operator-engineering-devops/ds-backup-test # Crontab(5) format for the schedule cron: "35 * * * *" secretName: cloud-storage-credentials # purgeHours - backups older than this many hours will be purged. Defaults to 100 days (2400 hours) purgeHours: 500 # purgeCron - how often to run the purge task to purge old backups. Defaults to "40 0 * * *" purgeCron: "40 0 * * *" # Restore from the last backup if the data directory is empty restore: enabled: true path: gs://ds-operator-engineering-devops/ds-backup-test secretName: cloud-storage-credentials
And enable/disable the backup, or change the cron schedule. If you query the directory cn=Task backend, observe that changes takes place within a minute or two.